Do you ever rehearse that speech in your mind? The one where you say all the things you've always wanted to say to that one person who hurt you so? Maybe it's not a person in particular but a group or an ideology that gets under your skin. Perhaps it's just a person or thing that annoys you slightly. Well here's your place to post that hate mail for all the world to see. More...
fresh RAGE old RAGE rage RULES rage MASTER rage HOST RAGE at us! RAGE NOW!
9:16 a.m.
A new scar on my soul

Dear Friend-of-mine-who-I-can't-name,

I'm really mad at you! I mean I don't even know what the fuck I've done to you and hear you go running around telling me that, I above everyone else need you watch what I say around you?! I mean WTF!?!? Last I check I was the one calling you, and helping you get this stuff done so you can get into school again, since you couldn't get off your lazy ass and do it the way you were supost to. I only left an entry in your guestbook last night saying that, I wished you good luck and things should be turning around for you soon. So I say again WTF is with saying ...

"so folks, watch your tongues right now. Otherwise you'll know exactly what I think of your comments, and it probably will not be good for whatever form of relationship there is between us. This especially applies to you (my-name-here). Just a heads up."...

I'm really hurt and mostly pissed off, as I see nothing that would warant such a statement. That really hurt more then I'll ever tell you. I'm not one for holding grudes, but I think you just left a new scar on my soul that will take some massive amounts of time to heal. I hope like stink that I suffer so bad you feel nothing but waves of gulit for months on end. Cause that, was an uber Shitty thing to say, your diary of other wise. I was put out directly at me so I can't bitch at it all I want.

I hope you hurt, for hurting me, you shameless prick.

best wishes,


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