Do you ever rehearse that speech in your mind? The one where you say all the things you've always wanted to say to that one person who hurt you so? Maybe it's not a person in particular but a group or an ideology that gets under your skin. Perhaps it's just a person or thing that annoys you slightly. Well here's your place to post that hate mail for all the world to see. More...
fresh RAGE old RAGE rage RULES rage MASTER rage HOST RAGE at us! RAGE NOW!
4:35 a.m.

Dear Misinformed Mother-In-Law,

Good evening, I am writing you today for a few but important reasons. I'm not sure if you remember me, but I'm the young woman your son married about two years ago. And though you were very nice the first 3 days of my marriage ever since then you have been not only rude but have taken over my life. For example. I am your son's wife. I should not have to answer to you where my paycheck's go. Also, I do not have to call you and let you know what time I'm going to be home when I go out with friends. And for future reference on the subject of what a wife is and isn't, I'm not a fucking slave who should have to work full time jobs. Your son as spoiled as he may be can and is able to work. I'm sorry that you seem confused by this statment. Also, the twenty thousand dollars in credit card debts your son aquired before we were together, should be my responisibility to pay off. GET IT! I AM NOT PAYING THEM! I am human, I have rights and I have fears, and I want to live like a normal adult but with you controling every pathetic aspect of my over-worked life, it is not going to be possible. Let me clarify a few things if you are as confused as you try to make yourself appear.

Back the fuck off. Let us deal with our life as we see fit. Do not for any reason treat me like I am not worthy of your son, because if anything YOUR son is unworthy of me. Sad but true.

I'm very sorry if this letter has caught you at a bad time. But quite frankly, I don't give a fuck anymore. And that alone should worry you.

I hope the rest of your day is lovely.


Wall-Flower Wife.

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