Do you ever rehearse that speech in your mind? The one where you say all the things you've always wanted to say to that one person who hurt you so? Maybe it's not a person in particular but a group or an ideology that gets under your skin. Perhaps it's just a person or thing that annoys you slightly. Well here's your place to post that hate mail for all the world to see. More...
fresh RAGE old RAGE rage RULES rage MASTER rage HOST RAGE at us! RAGE NOW!
4:54 p.m.
mother's day

My life has become a spiral of downward thrusts...

Happy F'ing Mother's Day.

Tonight the Sherrif's Department was called to my house... domestic in progress.


Why is it that X cannot figure it out?!?! I am so angry that I asked him to leave, and he wouldn't.

It's been a long last few days.

I am almost a week late, and could very well be pregnant... he is furious, and said that I planned it this way. Yeah... that's just what I want- another child that I have to support on my own because he won't get up off his ass and get a job. I am solely supporting this entire family!!! My stress level is extreme, and right now I just want out.

I've talked with my mom, and even though she is hundreds of miles away, I feel alot better hearing her reassuring voice.

I just want to curl up into a ball and cry some more... this is what my life has become.

I just love being married... *sigh*

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